According to the experience and study of the international instruments and models for the prevention of climate change, Sarоb developed its module based on the conditions of the republic.
Module Steps
The module consists of six steps:
1STEP 1:
Identify the climate hazard – participants will identify several climate hazards associated with their activities;
2STEP 2:
Vulnerability Assessment – here the participants will analyze each climate hazards and identify, how vulnerable their activity is to a particular climate hazard;
3STEP 3:
Identify Adaptation options - when the participants already identified the climate hazard, where their activity is mostly vulnerable, now they need to think about several adaptation options, to prevent climate risk;
4STEP 4:
Prioritize and select Adaptation option – according to methodologies and using multi criteria approach (Cost benefit analysis will be applied here), the participants will analyze each adaption option and chooses one, the most beneficial adaptation option;
5STEP 5:
Implementation – Here the participant implements the adaptation option, which was selected according to STEP 4.
6STEP 6:
Evaluation and monitoring of implemented adaptation option.